Letter From the Editors-in-Chief

Jibrail Georgas and Zara Shariff

Hi Brooklyn Tech!

We hope you had a relaxing summer and are excited for the start of the new school year. 

First off, we want to formally welcome all of the freshmen and sophomores that haven’t yet stepped foot into the building, as well as the juniors and seniors adjusting back to the unfamiliarity of in-person school.

We would also like to start by introducing ourselves as this year’s Editors-in-Chief of The Survey:

“Hi! I’m Jibrail and I am excited to be Co-Editor In Chief with Zara this year. I’m a finance major who also loves to read, talk, and write about politics and sports. This year, I look forward to re-establishing The Survey as a voice of the student body that the Tech community can turn to for reliable, authentic news. I’m also excited to improve the quality of our journalism as I believe that the school newspaper is essential to strengthening our large community.”


“Hi all! My name is Zara, and I’ll be Co-Editor In Chief of The Survey this year. While I’m majoring in LIU Advanced Health Professions, I love exploring the intersection between medicine and journalism, and I look forward to helping grow this paper into something that transcends a school club. We want to ask hard questions, share evidence-backed insights, and shed light on all things stigmatized. Alongside Jibrail, I can’t wait to see this platform reach new heights.”

As Brooklyn Tech’s official student newspaper, we are determined to be your inside, truth-telling source for all things Tech. Whether it be revealing interviews or the latest on fashion trends in the building, we want to be here to answer all of your school-related questions. 

This year, we are excited to announce that The Survey is now a daily class. Not only does this give our writers and editors a greater opportunity to hone their journalistic skills, but it also means we will now be publishing each month and reporting on breaking news as it happens. In addition, we are excited to announce the launch of our brand new website and mobile app that will keep the Tech community updated on daily events at school. Through consistent posts in both paper and print form, we aim for our publications to be easily within reach of every Tech student. 

We do want to acknowledge that in the past, a lack of time has caused us to fall short of our ambitious goals for The Survey. While we had great visions for expanding the newspaper, our weekly club did not provide us with the extended time to flesh these visions out. However, with our new class meeting each day, we seek to change that this year, and for years to come.

For those interested in contributing to the paper – without being a part of the class – there are still opportunities for students to be a part of The Survey community. Writers, photographers, illustrators, and website designers are all welcome to join The Survey’s club, with more details coming in the near future. The club will give members valuable experience of running a school newspaper from an inside view of The Survey. Best of all, every grade level will be welcome – including freshmen. 

Whether it be meeting each afternoon for The Survey class or submitting monthly articles for the club, we seek to continue serving Brooklyn Tech’s student body with high-quality journalism. 

We hope you are just as excited as we are to begin this chapter in the Survey’s century-old history and cannot wait to see you in school on September 13th!


Zara Shariff & Jibrail Georgas