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Brooklyn Tech's Official Student Newspaper

The Survey

The Survey

The Survey

Kai Arrowood

Kai Arrowood, Junior Executive Editor

Kai Arrowood (he/him) is the Junior Executive Editor and a Co-Editor of Hard News. Kai has always found that journalism is a driving force of social, economic, and political progress. He is passionate about sharing overlooked issues with the rest of the school in order to bring to light stories that would otherwise be swept under the rug. The Survey has delved into complicated and essential issues, and Kai is eager to continue contributing to that legacy. He reads the New York Times and likes that they have variety in the topics they discuss. He aspires to be a novelist and journalist who spends his time traveling to research new books and articles. He likes to go for long runs, listen to music, and cook new foods. He thinks that the best book he has ever read is The Garden of Evening Mists by Tan Twan Eng, because it combines meticulous historical research with beautiful prose and exploration of universal human emotion.

All content by Kai Arrowood