Brooklyn Tech's Official Student Newspaper

The Survey

The Survey

The Survey

Bee Bruce

Bee Bruce, Staff Writer

Bee (she/her) is a Staff Writer. Bee is on The Survey because she loves writing and researching all things Brooklyn Tech, as well as sharing a community with other writers. Bee is interested in journalism because she loves sharing thoughts and ideas and journalism is a wonderful way to do that. Bee reads The New York Times and The Washington Post. Bee's future career goals include being an anchor or journalist for a news outlet, because she loves researching and writing/speaking about current events, especially when it benefits a population. She would also like to explore being a short story writer or novelist. Whatever career path she takes she knows she wants to reach her with her writing or speaking and make an impact that is made possible through the written word. In her free time, Bee likes to read books, compete in karate, go thrifting with friends, and watch movies with her family. Bee's favorite book is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.

All content by Bee Bruce
Student Union! You in?

Student Union! You in?

Bee Bruce, Staff Writer
June 10, 2024
Chess grandmaster Maurice Ashley (83)

Chess at Tech: A Trending Tradition

Bee Bruce, Staff Writer
February 26, 2024